I'm trying to verify that a file is present in the Downloads folder of the user. I have already enabled access to the Downloads folder in the permissions. Here's what I tried so far:
let path = "~/Downloads/Game_Folder/GameFile.obb"
let hasFile = FileManager().fileExists(atPath: path)
if hasFile {
installationLabel.stringValue = "Game Files Found!"
else {
installationLabel.stringValue = "Game Files Not Found"
It will always say "Game files not found" when testing. I haven't found a definitive solution for this in Swift 5 yet, so that's why I'm asking.
Thanks for the help!
Figured it out. Here's what I put for Swift 5.
let path = NSString(string: "~/test-node.js").expandingTildeInPath
let fileDoesExist = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)
The "~/test-node.js" should be replaced with the path of the file you want to verify exists.