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So i am not able to create a calculated column for a table in mySQL, it says calculated columns cannot be calculated from calculated columns

I am trying to create a calculated column but it shows error for the total_value column as it cannot be created from an calculated column vat_value... Is there a way around it, I desperately need those two columns in the table. Thanks,

create table purchase(
invoice_num varchar(8),
product_id varchar(10),
product_name varchar(50),
supplier_name varchar(30),
gstn int(16),
vat_num varchar(12),
ph_num int(10),
quantity decimal(12,3),
unit varchar(3),
in_out char(1),
tax_value decimal(12,2),
gst_percent int(2),
igst decimal(12,2),
cgst decimal(12,2),
sgst decimal(12,2),
unloading int(8),
fare int(8),
vat_percent int(2),
vat_value decimal(8,3) as ((tax_value*vat_percent)/100) persistent,
total_value decimal(12,2) as (tax_value+igst+cgst+sgst+unloading+fare+vat_value)    


  • You can not refer one calculated column in definition of others.

    One workaround can be, you refactor formula for total_value as below -

    total_value decimal(12,2) as (tax_value+igst+cgst+sgst+unloading+fare+((tax_value*vat_percent)/100))