my rest service sits at, but when i launch it, it gives me 404:
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
why is that? I want my server to show some status msg like 'service ready'.
The actual function that i will use is accessible and works, when i press '' and hit enter it outputs the msg i coded in the function in my flask app:
"parsing this website :",
the main code:
from flask import Flask
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from flask import jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
#this is my std method i can't see
@app.route("/", methods = ['GET'])
def main():
return jsonify('service is ready')
@app.route("/parser/<string:website>", methods = ['GET'])
def parse(website):
return jsonify("parsing this website :", website )
if __name__ == "__main__":
Change this line -
@app.route("/", methods = ['GET'])
@app.route("/", methods = ['GET'])
Because you have to specify only the extended URL that will be used. The @app.route
decorator handles the rest for us
Note* (Don't do this. For fun only) -
If you wish to continue to use @app.route("/", methods = ['GET'])
then access the endpoint with the url - http://localhost:5000/
. You will get the response as "service is ready"