I'm attempting to try and nest iterations to condense my code a bit. I've got a big MIP that runs, but with really messy code. I'd like to condense it into vectors, etc.
my code is essentially as follows:
using JuMP
using Gurobi
model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer))
@variable(model, x[1:11, 1:17, 1:54], Bin)
I = [(1:6),(7:11),(1:6),(7:11)]
K = [(51:54), (1:4), (1:50),(5:54)]
RHS = [4,4,0,0]
@constraints(model, begin
[i in I[1]], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in K[1]) == RHS[1]
[i in I[2]], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in K[2]) == RHS[2]
[i in I[3]], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in K[3]) == RHS[4]
[i in I[4]], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in K[4]) == RHS[4]
Essentially I want to condense all these constraints down to one line as further done in the program I have similar constraints that have 54 iterations.
I've tried:
for (a,b,c) in zip(I, K, RHS)
[i in a], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in b) == c
and a few other combinations, like
@constraint(model, [(a,b,c) in zip(I, K, RHS), i in a], sum(x[i,17,k] for k in b) == c)
but it just won't groove for me - I'll run unto Load errors or duplicate iterator errors.
Help would be greatly appreciated!!! :-)
This version worked for me:
[(a, b, c) in zip(I, K, RHS), i in a],
sum(x[i, 17, k] for k in b) == c
Another, slightly more readable version is
for (a, b, c) in zip(I, K, RHS)
@constraint(model, [i in a], sum(x[i, 17, k] for k in b) == c)