Azure allows one to create the user and password during the creation of a virtual machine which can later be used for SSH into that VM.
How to create a user and password during run instance
in AWS using Java SDK which can be used for SSH.
Currently I laucnh Vm as
RunInstancesResult result = amazonEC2Client.runInstances(
I want to add something like this
RunInstancesResult result = amazonEC2Client.runInstances(
I know AWS has default usernames and passwords based on the AMI but I want to make my own custom username and password while launching the VM.
Also, How to SSH to a Windows a instance? Is the RDP only option? How can I connect via the key pair and SSH? How to get it's administrator password.
You can add it using UserData:
RunInstancesRequest.withUserData(String userData)
and the user data can be found in the URL below