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How to programmatically get a list workspaces with their associated windows with Xmonad?

I'd like to create my own workspace viewer. How can I get a list of workspace, and their corresponding window titles?

I can't seem to find any relavent function to getting these values in the documentation.


  • It can be done via the following (the main function being workspacesGrouped :: X [(WorkspaceId, [String])]):

    import           XMonad.Util.XUtils
    import           XMonad
    import           XMonad.Core
    import           XMonad.Config.Prime
    import           XMonad.Util.Font
    import           XMonad.StackSet               as W
    import           FileLogger
    import           Control.Monad
    import           Data.List
    import Foreign.C.String
    workspacesGrouped :: X [(WorkspaceId, [String])]
    workspacesGrouped = do
      ws <- gets windowset
      let x = map (W.workspace) (W.current ws : W.visible ws)
      let y = (W.hidden ws)
      sequence $ fmap (\v -> fmap ((,) $ W.tag v) (getWorkspaceWindowTitles v)) $ x ++ y
    getWorkspaceWindowTitles :: Workspace i l Window -> X [String]
    getWorkspaceWindowTitles w = do
      withDisplay $ \d ->
        (liftIO $ forM
          (integrate' $ stack w)
          (\z -> getWindowTitle z d)
    getWindowTitle :: Window -> Display -> IO String
    getWindowTitle w d = getTextProperty d w wM_NAME >>= (peekCString . tp_value)