Search code examples

Ordering by criteria - Using Recursive CTE

I have an sql table and I want to order it in the way that every element has the elements who have its code as parentCode in the rows directly beneath. To make it more clear take this example :

            id      name         code               parentCode

parent1      1      "element1"  "parent1code"       null
parent2      2      "element2"  "parent2code"       null
children1    3      "element3"  "children1code"    "parent1Code"
children2    4      "element4"  "children2code"    "parent2Code"
children3    5      "element5"  "children3code"    "parent1Code"

etc ..

and I want to order it this way :


PS: there are non determined number of layers in this hierarchy (a child can be also a parent)


  • This is a bit tricky in MySQL. The basic idea is to build up a path to the top using a recursive CTE and then order by the path. However, you want each identifier in the path to be of constant length to avoid ordering problems. And, MySQL doesn't support arrays, so this all has to go into a string.

    So, I would recommend something like this:

    with recursive cte as (
          select id, name, code, parent, 
                 cast(lpad(id, 4, '0') as char(255)) as path
          from sample
          where parent is null 
          union all
          select,, s.code, s.parent, 
                 concat(cte.path, '->', lpad(, 4, '0'))
          from cte join
               sample s 
               on s.parent = cte.code
    select *
    from cte
    order by path;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.

    Note: This expands the ids to four characters. That can easily be modified.