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Azure IoT Hub - How to get what's newer of desired vs reported property in device twins?

I'm using .NET Core 3 to read from device twins in an Azure IoT hub. I want to get property X and that property is, as always, both stored in the desired and reported properties. I want to get the one that's newer. This information is written in the metadata.

My question is, is this possible via just the IoT Hub Query Language or do I have to fetch from both desired and reported and check this out myself?


  • The Azure IoT Hub Query Language supports only the subset of the SQL statements, so the following example (device1 and twin property color) shows a workaround for missing a CASE statement:

    1. query string to get the desired property as the lastUpdated:

      querystring = $"SELECT FROM devices WHERE deviceId = 'device1' and$metadata.color.$lastUpdated >$metadata.color.$lastUpdated";
    2. if the return value is empty, we have to make the second query to obtain a reported property such as:

       querystring = $"SELECT FROM devices WHERE deviceId = 'device1' and$metadata.color.$lastUpdated >$metadata.color.$lastUpdated";
    3. if the return value is still empty, there are missing our desired and/or reported property in the device twin or the deviceId is wrong.

    The following code snippet shows an example of the above usage:

    using Microsoft.Azure.Devices;
    using System.Linq;
    using System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace ConsoleApp3
        class Program
            static string connectionString = "*****";
            static async Task Main(string[] args)
                RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
                string deviceId = "device1";
                string propertyName = "color";
                string querystring = $"SELECT{propertyName} FROM devices WHERE deviceId = '{deviceId}' and$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated >$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated";
                dynamic prop = null;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
                    var query = registryManager.CreateQuery(querystring);
                        prop = (await query.GetNextAsJsonAsync())?.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (prop == null)
                            querystring = $"SELECT{propertyName} FROM devices WHERE deviceId = '{deviceId}' and$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated >$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated";
                Console.WriteLine(prop ?? $"Not found property '{propertyName}' or device '{deviceId}'");


    In the case of multiple properties, we have to check each property individually by code in the fetched device twin entity. The following code snippet shows an example of this checking:

    // multiple properties
    querystring = $"SELECT FROM devices WHERE deviceId='{deviceId}'";
    var query2 = registryManager.CreateQuery(querystring);
    JObject prop2 = JObject.Parse((await query2.GetNextAsJsonAsync())?.FirstOrDefault());
    JToken desired = prop2.SelectToken("properties.desired");
    JToken reported = prop2.SelectToken("properties.reported");
    string pathLastUpdated = $"$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated";          
    var color = (DateTime)desired.SelectToken(pathLastUpdated) > (DateTime)reported.SelectToken(pathLastUpdated) ?
                (string)desired[propertyName] : (string)reported[propertyName];
    // more properties

    also, you can create an extension class to simplify the code, see the following example:

    public static class JObjectExtensions
        public static T GetLastUpdated<T>(this JObject properties, string propertyName)
            JToken desired = properties.SelectToken("properties.desired");
            JToken reported = properties.SelectToken("properties.reported");
            string pathLastUpdated = $"$metadata.{propertyName}.$lastUpdated";
            return (DateTime)desired.SelectToken(pathLastUpdated) > (DateTime)reported.SelectToken(pathLastUpdated) ?
                desired.SelectToken(propertyName).ToObject<T>() : reported.SelectToken(propertyName).ToObject<T>();
        public static string GetLastUpdated(this JObject properties, string propertyName)
            return GetLastUpdated<string>(properties, propertyName);

    the following usage of the above extension shows how can be obtained any desired vs reported properties based on their lastUpdated timestamp:

    color = prop2.GetLastUpdated(propertyName);
    string color2 = prop2.GetLastUpdated("test.color");
    var test = prop2.GetLastUpdated<JObject>("test");
    string jsontext = prop2.GetLastUpdated<JObject>("test").ToString(Formatting.None);
    var test2 = prop2.GetLastUpdated<Test>("test");
    int counter = prop2.GetLastUpdated<int>("counter");

    Note, that the exception is thrown in the case of property missing.