after install hugs and then install ghc6 then install generic-haskell has the following message, How to do?
# make package
Creating generic-haskell package ...
ghc-pkg: cannot find package generic-haskell
Reading package info from "generic-haskell.cabal.pkg" ... done.
generic-haskell-1.80: missing id field
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "base-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "haskell98-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "containers-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
make: *** [package] Error 1
in ubuntu i compile ghc-6.2.2 got the following error
/usr/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend -osuf o -H16m -O HaskTags.hs
on the commandline:
Warning: -optdep-f is deprecated: Use -dep-makefile instead
==fptools== make boot - --no-print-directory -r;
in /home/martin/ghc-6.2.2/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg
/usr/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend -osuf o -H16m -O -cpp -DPKG_TOOL -DWANT_PRETTY Main.hs Package.hs ParsePkgConfLite.hs Version.hs
on the commandline:
Warning: -optdep-f is deprecated: Use -dep-makefile instead
make all
/usr/bin/ghc -H16m -O -cpp -DPKG_TOOL -DWANT_PRETTY -c Main.hs -o Main.o -ohi Main.hi
Ambiguous type variable `e' in the constraint:
`Exception.Exception e'
arising from a use of `Exception.throw' at Main.hs:496:11-25
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
my_catch :: forall a. IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
(bound at Main.hs:499:0)
my_throw :: forall a. e -> a (bound at Main.hs:496:0)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
Ambiguous type variable `e1' in the constraint:
`Exception.Exception e1'
arising from a use of `Exception.catch' at Main.hs:498:13-27
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
eval_catch :: forall a. a -> (e1 -> IO a) -> IO a
(bound at Main.hs:498:0)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
make[4]: *** [Main.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** [boot] Error 2
make[2]: *** [boot] Error 1
make[1]: *** [boot] Error 1
Any one have installed old version of GHC and generic haskell in ubuntu 10?
There are many pairs of version , i tried ghc-6.2.2 got above error, will i need to uninstall ubuntu 10 to install older version ubuntu to get it work? which version of ubuntu for which version of ghc work?
I tried installing generic-haskell myself from the source, I managed, and am able to describe how I fixed it. My installation platform is the Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1-x86_64, but the following instruction are somewhat more general.
I met three problems, including the first one you describe (no. 3 below). For other users, I also describe the first two ones, which you probably solved as well.
1) Other users have first to fix an error depending on Data.Map.lookup
type having changed, for containers
>= it used to return Monad m => m b
(in containers-
), now it returns just Maybe b
I added calls to Data.Maybe.maybeToList
to fix a few call-sites needing to use a list type; I bet you fixed the same error in some way. You can find this fix at:
2) Another error I had, with GHC 7, is that the configure script does not realize that it is newer than GHC 6.8, so it needs to also depend on containers. configure output included this line:
checking whether base package is split (GHC 6.8 or newer)... no
To fix this, you need to replace
if test $ghc_ma -ge 6 -a $ghc_mi -ge 8; then
if test $ghc_ma -eq 6 -a $ghc_mi -ge 8 -o $ghc_ma -ge 7; then
3) To fix your problem, you need to edit build/generic-haskell.cabal.pkg
(assuming you are not doing an in-place installation with make in-place). You need to add an id: line and fix the depends line to use package-ids of packages present on your systems instead of package names. You can find out the ids using the following commands (output on my system included):
$ ghc-pkg field base id
id: base-
$ ghc-pkg field haskell98 id
id: haskell98-
$ ghc-pkg field containers id
id: containers-
The change to build/generic-haskell.cabal.pkg
would then be:
-depends: base-
- haskell98-
- containers-
+depends: base-
+ haskell98-
+ containers-
Furthermore, you need to add an id line to the same file - any id will do, as long as you change it if/when you reinstall the library. Here I've used:
id: generic-haskell-1.80-lib-md5sum-2a7ae9d60440627618ad0b0139ef090b
I've also aligned all fields with spaces, as in the existing files. The syntax reference for this file can be found in: