I have a component
export class Test implements OnInit {
public items: Observable<Item[]>
constructor(private store: Store<IAppState>)
ngOnInit: void {
this.items = this.store.pipe(select(selectItems));
My item is
export interface Item {
timestamp: Date
I want to transform the timestamp
from utc to local. So I want to do something like:
export class Test implements OnInit {
public items: Observable<Item[]>
constructor(private store: Store<IAppState>)
ngOnInit: void {
this.items = this.store.pipe(select(selectItems).select(x => new Item { timestamp = new Date(x.timestamp + " UTC") }));
The above syntax is not real (it's based on C# LINQ). I'm trying something along the lines of
export class Test implements OnInit {
public items: Observable<Item[]>
constructor(private store: Store<IAppState>)
ngOnInit: void {
this.items = this.store.pipe(map(state => selectItems(state), // something here...));
I'm stuck at the // something here
The equivalent of C# LINQ select() is Array.map()
So assuming your selectItems function returns an array, you can "map" your selected items to Items:
constructor(private store: Store<IAppState>) {}
public ngOnInit: void {
this.items = this.store.pipe(map(state => {
const selectedItems = selectItems(state);
return selectedItems.map(x => new Item(...));