I want to format my output like- My choice of fruits are apple Avocado. But not sure it's not executing properly, maybe i'm missing something in formatting. Can you let me know where i'm doing it wrong?
def my_func(**kwargs):
if 'fruit' 'veggie' in kwargs:
print('My choice of fruits are {} {}'.format(kwargs['fruit'],['veggie']))
print('Sorry we can not find your fruit here!')
my_func(fruit='apple', veggie= 'Avocado')
Output of the above snippet coming as- {'fruit': 'apple', 'veggie': 'Avocado'} Sorry we can not find your fruit here!
'fruit' 'veggie' == 'fruitveggie'
is a list
of str
def my_func(**kwargs):
if 'fruit' in kwargs and 'veggie' in kwargs:
print(f'My choice of fruits are {kwargs["fruit"]} {kwargs["veggie"]}')
print('Sorry we can not find your fruit here!')
my_func(fruit='apple', veggie='Avocado')