I am trying to automate an app using pywinauto. Here is a problem when I need to locate a specific window.
For example, I want to get the window 'AfxWnd4214', but I can only access to window "AfxWnd42".
| AfxWnd42 - '' (L1044, T410, R1060, B426)
| ['AfxWnd4214', 'V11.82AfxWnd4212']
| child_window(class_name="AfxWnd42")
| AfxWnd42 - '' (L1044, T410, R1060, B426)
| ['AfxWnd4212', 'V11.82AfxWnd4212']
| child_window(class_name="AfxWnd42")
I access it by this code. But it is not specific enough. The sequence of this window may change in the tree.
pywinauto.app.window(class_name = "AfxWnd42", found_index = 0)
When I try this code:
pywinauto.app.window(class_name = "AfxWnd4214", found_index = 0)
It says
pywinauto.findwindows.ElementNotFoundError: {'class_name': 'AfxWnd4214', 'found_index': 0, 'backend': 'win32', 'process': 15404}
Is there any better method to access this window?
Thank you.
There are various search criteria see below; Try using combination of these. Once I used auto_id and it worked for me.
''' Find elements based on criteria passed in
Possible values are:
* **class_name** Elements with this window class
* **class_name_re** Elements whose class matches this regular expression
* **parent** Elements that are children of this
* **process** Elements running in this process
* **title** Elements with this text
* **title_re** Elements whose text matches this regular expression
* **top_level_only** Top level elements only (default=True)
* **visible_only** Visible elements only (default=True)
* **enabled_only** Enabled elements only (default=False)
* **best_match** Elements with a title similar to this
* **handle** The handle of the element to return
* **ctrl_index** The index of the child element to return
* **found_index** The index of the filtered out child element to return
* **predicate_func** A user provided hook for a custom element validation
* **active_only** Active elements only (default=False)
* **control_id** Elements with this control id
* **control_type** Elements with this control type (string; for UIAutomation elements)
* **auto_id** Elements with this automation id (for UIAutomation elements)
* **framework_id** Elements with this framework id (for UIAutomation elements)
* **backend** Back-end name to use while searching (default=None means current active backend)