How to modify the code below so if one of the test validation failed, it then exits the loop and shows the error?
#Test the DNS server functionality, if no errors, generated from the below test, then all is good, exit script.
$testConnection = Test-Connection $domaincontroller -Count 1
If (($testConnection -ne "") -or ($testconnection -ne $null))
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -Context Forwarder
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -Context RootHints
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -ZoneName $env:USERDOMAIN
Write-Host "$computername DNS test failed".
Write-Output "Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
Write-Output "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Add -ErrorAction Stop
to your commands. It will "Catch" as soon as one of them fails - anything below that point will not be processed. As noted above your If...Then statement is largely redundant:
Try {
$testConnection = Test-Connection $domaincontroller -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -ErrorAction Stop
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -Context Forwarder -ErrorAction Stop
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -Context RootHints -ErrorAction Stop
Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $ipV4 -ZoneName $env:USERDOMAIN -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Output $testConnection
Write-Output "Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
Write-Output "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"