I am trying to create a NoSQL database for a Flutter app that has different stores for different activities done throughout the day (sleep, exercise, eating, etc.). I don't want to hard code the stores and want to be able to add and delete stores as needed.
The issue I'm encountering is the intMapStoreFactory.store() requires a static input but the inputs for SembastActivityRepository cannot be static. Is there a way to create and access custom store names from outside this WembastActivityRepository class?
Thank you!
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:sembast/sembast.dart';
import './activity.dart';
import './activity_repository.dart';
class SembastActivityRepository extends ActivityRepository {
final activityName;
final Database _database = GetIt.I.get();
final StoreRef _store = intMapStoreFactory.store(activityName);
Future<int> insertActivity(Activity activity) async {
return await _store.add(_database, activity.toMap());
Future updateActivity(Activity activity) async {
await _store.record(activity.id).update(_database, activity.toMap());
Future deleteActivity(int activityId) async {
await _store.record(activityId).delete(_database);
Future<List<Activity>> getAllActivities() async {
final snapshots = await _store.find(_database);
return snapshots
.map((snapshot) => Activity.fromMap(snapshot.key, snapshot.value))
.toList(growable: false);
I'm not sure what you mean by static but anyway your code could not compile and I strongly suggest using Strong mode to get compile time recommendation. A StoreRef
is just a declaration of a store and its key and value type, you can create/and re-created a StoreRef
at any time, the store itself is only created when you add records to it.
If it is just to to get your code to compile, initialize _store in the constructor:
class SembastActivityRepository {
final String activityName;
final StoreRef<int, Map<String, dynamic>> _store;
: _store = intMapStoreFactory.store(activityName);
// ...