Let's say I have a Spark dataframe that looks like this
Row(Y=a, X1=3.2, X2=4.5)
What I'd want is:
Row(Y=a, features=SparseVector(2, {X1: 3.2, X2: 4.5})
Perhaps this is helpful-
Written in scala but can be implemented in pyspark with minimal change
val df = spark.sql("select 'a' as Y, 3.2 as X1, 4.5 as X2")
* +---+---+---+
* |Y |X1 |X2 |
* +---+---+---+
* |a |3.2|4.5|
* +---+---+---+
* root
* |-- Y: string (nullable = false)
* |-- X1: decimal(2,1) (nullable = false)
* |-- X2: decimal(2,1) (nullable = false)
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.VectorAssembler
val features = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("X1", "X2"))
* +---+---+---+---------+
* |Y |X1 |X2 |features |
* +---+---+---+---------+
* |a |3.2|4.5|[3.2,4.5]|
* +---+---+---+---------+
* root
* |-- Y: string (nullable = false)
* |-- X1: decimal(2,1) (nullable = false)
* |-- X2: decimal(2,1) (nullable = false)
* |-- features: vector (nullable = true)