I upload a sqlite database to google drive. And now I would like to download it. So I tried to download it from Google Drive to my Swift Project but it is being downloaded in GTLRDataObject Data format. How can I get the file into sqlite database format? The sqlite files comes as Data format from Google drive. I used the following to download my sqlite database file from google drive.
Global.googleDriveService.executeQuery(GTLRDriveQuery_FilesGet.queryForMedia(withFileId: "\((result as? GTLRDrive_File)?.identifier ?? "")"))
{ (ticket, file, error) in
guard let data = (file as? GTLRDataObject)?.data else {
print("Download data: - \(data)")
If you doing this for purpose of backup your database and restore your database file then you need to do like below
func getAndSaveFileromGoogle() {
let query = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList.query()
query.spaces = "drive"
self.googleDriveService.executeQuery(query) { (ticket, files, error) in
if error == nil {
if let files = files as? GTLRDrive_FileList {
if let driveFiles = files.files /*?? [GTLRDrive_File]()*/ {
if driveFiles.count > 0 {
for file in driveFiles {
if file.name == "your_filename.sqlite" {
let downloadQuery = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesGet.queryForMedia(withFileId: file.identifier!)
self.googleDriveService.executeQuery(downloadQuery, completionHandler: { (ticket, downloadedFile, error) in
if error == nil {
if let downlaodfile = downloadedFile as? GTLRDataObject {
do {
try downlaodfile.data.write(to: Model.shared.coreDataStoreURL!, options: .atomic)
catch {
else {
print("Somethig went wrong")
else {
print("No back up file found")
else {
print("No back up file found")
else {
print("Something went wrong")
else {
print("Something went wrong")
Just replace your database file to new downloaded file.