I am reading a book about Raspberry Pi to understand Raspberry Pi.
One of the projects in the book shows a C++ class that provides methods that access the GPIO on the Raspberry Pi; the class name is "gpio".
The book tells two methods of using this class:
To write C++ code, simple.cpp: In simple.cpp, main method instantiates gpio class and calls its public methods.
To write Python code: gpio.so must be created using Boost.python. Then simple.py is written in which gpio is imported and its public methods will be called.
The first method is simple: simple.cpp and gpio.cpp are linked together to create a single exe.
To do the latter, the book recommends to use Boost.Python.
I downloaded Boost package and called bootstrap.sh and b2 as follows:
$ sudo ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=python --with-python-version=3.7
$ sudo ./b2 cxxflags=-fPIC -link=shared install
These created libboost_python37.so.1.73.0.
And I try to build gpio.so as follows:
PROG = gpio.so
CC = g++
CPPFLAGS = -c -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.7m/ -I/usr/local/boost_1_73_0
LDFLAGS = -shared -pthread -L/usr/local/boost_1_73_0/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-
LLIBS = -lboost_python37
OBJS = gpio.o
$(PROG) : $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PROG) $(OBJS) $(LLIBS)
gpio.o : gpio.h
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -c gpio.cpp
The above creates gpio.so without any fatal errors.
But if I do 'ldd gpio.so' its output shows "libboost_python37.so.1.73.0 => not found".
And if I run simple.py, its output shows "ImportError: libboost_python37.so.1.73.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".
When I used the static boost python library, I could accomplish the second method above: calling C++ methods from python code.
My development environment is on the Raspberry Pi 4 model B with 4GB memory. The OS is Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster). The development software includes:
And I try to build gpio.so as follows:
Your command line tells the linker how to find libboost_python3.7.so
at link time. But it does not tell the runtime loader how to find that library at runtime.
To tell the runtime loader, use -rpath /path/to/library
linker flag. That is:
BOOST_LIB_PATH = /usr/local/boost_1_73_0/bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-8/release/python-3.7/threading-multi/visibility-hidden
LDFLAGS = ... -L ${BOOST_LIB_PATH} -Wl,-rpath,${BOOST_LIB_PATH} ...
It may actually be better to install libbost...
into system directory instead of loading it from the build tree.