Is there some way to find the name of a shortcut (present on desktop) through the associated program name?
and result in:
I found something near to this, but is made the opposite way (returns the associated program name by shortcut name).
The application knows nothing about shortcuts that are created to point to it, so this isn't possible. You'd have to iterate every file in the user's Desktop folder looking for shortcut files, open them using IShellLink
, and look to see if they launched the application you're looking to find. Here's an example of doing so. You'll need to add ShellAPI
to your uses
clause. FileName
is the fully qualified name of the shortcut file.
function GetLinkPath(const FileName: WideString): String;
ShellLink: IShellLink;
Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
Result := '';
ShellLink := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink) as IShellLink;
if (ShellLink as IPersistFile).Load(PWideChar(FileName), STGM_READ) = 0 then
if ShellLink.GetPath(Path, MAX_PATH, nil, SLGP_SHORTPATH) = 0 then
Result := Path;