A useful function that I've found in the Magrittr package is freduce: freduce(value, function_list)
where the value is piped from each function to the next, sequentially. The problem is that some of my functions take other parameters (in my case a single parameter that will be the same for each function). Does anyone know of a similar function that does what magrittr::freduce
. I'm going to try to implement this for myself using Purrr
functions, or and if that fails just loops or recursion. I'm curious if anyone has experience or a simple solution to this problem of wanting to use additional parameters in with freduce
I'm not sure about any alternative, but the source code of magrittr::freduce()
is quite simple, see GitHub. It is using base R's Recall()
. So you can use it to create your own function like this (e.g. with additional parameter na.rm
freduce2 <- function(value, function_list, na.rm = TRUE)
if (length(function_list) == 1L)
function_list[[1L]](value, na.rm = na.rm)
Recall(function_list[[1L]](value, na.rm = na.rm), function_list[-1L], na.rm = na.rm)
freduce2(c(1, 3, NA), list(mean, median), na.rm = TRUE)
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Created on 2020-07-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)