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Why does my commandline within PyCharm not recognize bash commands?

I am trying to copy something to my clipboard for a project in Python. I cannot use modules to copy to my clipboard because of a bug with KDE Plasma. Instead of trying to fix that problem, I decided I would work around it with:

os.system('echo text | xclip -sel clip')

The error I get in return, is

sh: xclip: command not found

Xclip is installed and works in my own commandline just fine, but with the terminal within Pycharm. The command sudo is not recognized. I do not understand why these are not being recognized, and what I must do to be able to access something like xclip from the built-in terminal.

Within my functional drop-down:

bash: /home/danielh/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin: No such file or directory

Within my dysfunctional built-in terminal:

echo $PATH

sudo pacman is not recognized either, why am I missing these commands?

[danielh@Pomegranate DetermineDistances]$ which pacman
which: no pacman in (/app/bin:/usr/bin)
[danielh@Pomegranate DetermineDistances]$ which xclip
which: no xclip in (/app/bin:/usr/bin)

I have put in the project directory, but even when it is run, xclip is not found. However, if I run it from my own terminal, it works just fine:'./') ./ line 2: xclip: command not found

[danielh@Pomegranate DetermineDistances]$ ./ works just fine [danielh@Pomegranate DetermineDistances]$ which xclip /usr/bin/xclip also works

@CrazyCoder's solution doesn't seem to have any effect. [danielh@Pomegranate bin]$ sudo /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community/current/active/export/bin/com.jetbrains.PyCharm-Community PyCharm opens up, yet I am still unable to access pacman or xclip

(venv) [danielh@Pomegranate DetermineDistances]$ strace -e stat which xclip
strace: test_ptrace_get_syscall_info: PTRACE_TRACEME: Operation not permitted
strace: ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, ...): Operation not permitted
strace: PTRACE_SETOPTIONS: Operation not permitted
strace: detach: waitpid(157): No child processes
strace: Process 157 detached


  • I have resolved the issue by uninstalling the Flatpak repository installation of PyCharmCE and reinstalling PycharmCE 2020.1.3 using the Snap repository.

    [danielh@Pomegranate PycharmProjects]$ whereis xclip
    xclip: /usr/bin/xclip /usr/share/man/man1/xclip.1.gz
    [danielh@Pomegranate PycharmProjects]$ whereis sudo
    sudo: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/lib/sudo /etc/sudo.conf /usr/share/man/man8/sudo.8.gz