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Rooms per user in matrix synapse database

How can I get the total number of matrix rooms a user is currently joined using the synapse postgres database? (excluding those rooms the user has left or been kicked, or been banned from)


  • I spent several hours looking for this, so I think maybe it can help others.

    You can get the number of rooms a user is currently joined querying the table user_stats_current:

    SELECT joined_rooms FROM user_stats_current WHERE user_id='';

    And if you want to get specifically the ids of the rooms the user is currently joined, you can use the table current_state_events like in this query:

    SELECT room_id FROM current_state_events
    WHERE state_key = ''
    AND type = ''
    AND membership = 'join';

    Even further, if you want not only the room id but the room name as well, you can add the table room_stats_state like in this other query:

    SELECT e.room_id,
    FROM current_state_events e
    JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
    WHERE e.state_key = ''
    AND e.type = ''
    AND e.membership = 'join';