I have my index.html file with a simple form
<form onSubmit=" App.estraiVincitore().then(value => { alert (value)}); return false;">
<input type="submit" value="Get Winner">
<input type="text" name="winner">
I have a App.js file with an async function that works properly getting an event transaction.
estraiVincitore: async() => {
await App.vincitoreDelContest.estrazioneVincitore().then(function (value) {
return value.logs[0].args.username; //returned value to show in my index.html
How can I get the returned valued from my JavaScript function and shows it in my index.html? Properly I would like to show it in my text area.
Thanks a lot.
How can I get the returned valued from my JavaScript function and shows it in my index.html?
By using the promise that estraiVincitore
returns in JavaScript code in the index.html
file. An async
function returns a promise; later, that promise is settled (fulfilled with a value, or rejected with a "reason" [error]).
So for instance:
.then(value => {
document.querySelector("selector-for-your-text-area").value = value;
.catch(error => {
// ...handle/report the error...
Re Felix's point, the purpose of async
is to make it possible to use promises with simple logical flow constructs rather than callbacks. So:
estraiVincitore: async() => {
const value = await App.vincitoreDelContest.estrazioneVincitore();
return value.logs[0].args.username;
Which is (basically) equivalent to this non-async
estraiVincitore: () => {
return App.vincitoreDelContest.estrazioneVincitore().then(value => {
return value.logs[0].args.username;