Search code examples

How to Add Multiple Taxonomies in Custom Post Permalink in WordPress URL structure

I have created a custom post type called Business Listing with multiple taxonomies("Specialty, State, City") For example: Custom post name: Dr. Jones Dental Taxonomy (Specialty): General Dentist Taxonomy (State): California Taxonomy (City): Pasadena

So currently, the url looks like this:

And this is my desired URL structure should look:

However, I need to to get a perfect URL structure that is SEO friendly. So, the final URL structure should be like this: So how can I achieve this one without using a 301 redirection?


  • I give you my code what I use in your case

    class BusinesListing
        public function __construct()
            // CPT
            add_action('init', [
            ], 0);
            // TAXOS
            add_action('init', [
            add_action('init', [
            add_action('init', [
            // URLs
            add_filter('post_type_link', [
            ], 1, 2);
        public function create_busines_listing_cpt()
            register_post_type('busines_listing', [
                // ...
                'taxonomies' => array(
                'public' => true,
                'rewrite' => array(
                    'slug' => 'busines-listing/%taxo_speciality%/%taxo_state%/%taxo_city%',
                    'with_front' => true
                // ...
        public function create_taxo_speciality()
            register_taxonomy('taxo_speciality', ['busines_listing'], [
                // ...
                'label' => 'speciality',
                'rewrite'=>  array(
                    'slug' => 'busines-listing',
                    'with_front' => true
                // ...
        public function create_taxo_state()
            register_taxonomy('taxo_state', ['busines_listing'], [
                // ...
                'label' => 'state',
                'rewrite'=>  array(
                    'slug' => 'busines-listing/%taxo_speciality%',
                    'with_front' => true
                // ...
        public function create_taxo_city()
            register_taxonomy('taxo_city', ['busines_listing'], [
                // ...
                'label' => 'city',
                'rewrite'=>  array(
                    'slug' => 'busines-listing/%taxo_speciality%/%taxo_state%',
                    'with_front' => true
                // ...
        public function custom_permalink($post_link, $post)
            // url
            if (is_object($post) && $post->post_type == 'busines_listing') {
                $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'taxo_speciality');
                if (! empty($terms)) {
                    $post_link =  str_replace('%taxo_speciality%', $terms[0]->slug, $post_link);
                $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'taxo_state');
                if (! empty($terms)) {
                    $post_link =  str_replace('%taxo_state%', $terms[0]->slug, $post_link);
                $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'taxo_city');
                if (! empty($terms)) {
                    $post_link =  str_replace('%taxo_city%', $terms[0]->slug, $post_link);
            return $post_link;
    new BusinesListing();