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Is it possible to write multiple regex for the same input in Fluent Bit?

My logs look like this:

200 59903 0.056 - [24/Jun/2020:00:06:56 +0530] "GET /xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx HTTP/1.1" [xxxx:4900:xxxx:b798:xxxx:c8ba:xxxx:6a23] - - - - -  "http://xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx" 164551836 1 HIT "-" "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Mi A1 Build/PKQ1.180917.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/77.0.3865.92 Mobile Safari/537.36" "-" "-" "dhDebug=-" "-" - -
200 11485 0.000 - [24/Jun/2020:00:06:56 +0530] "GET /xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx HTTP/1.1" - - - - -  "-" 164551710 7 HIT "-" "-" "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; vivo 1915 Build/PPR1.180610.011)" "-" "-" "dhDebug=appVersion=13.0.8&osVersion=9&clientId=1271210612&conn_type=4G&conn_quality=NO_CONNECTION&sessionSource=organic&featureMask=1879044085&featureMaskV1=635" "-" 40 -

The two logs are almost same except the fact that the last one contains a detailed output of dhDebug.

This is how my parsers.conf looks like:

    Name         head
    Format       regex
    Regex        (?<responseCode>\d{3})\s(?<responseSize>\d+)\s(?<responseTime>\d+.\d+)\s.*?\s\[(?<time>.*?)\]\s"(?<method>.*?)\s(?<url1>.*?)\s(?<protocol>.*?)"\s(?<servedBy>.*?)\s(?<Akamai_ip1>.*?)\s(?<ClientId_ip2>.*?)\s(?<ip3>.*?)\s(?<lb_ip4>.*?)\s(?<ip5>.*?)\s(?<ip6>.*?)\s(?<ip7>.*?)\s+"(?<url2>.*?)".*?".*?"\s".*?"\s"(?<agentInfo>.*?)"
    Time_Key     time
    Time_Format  %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
    Time_Keep    On
    Types responseTime:float

Please suggest any idea on how to implement the information of dhDebug in a separate key-value pair in the same regex that works on both the types of logs.


  • EDITED!!

    You can use (?:case1|case2) for case1: is null and case2: is not null

    So Regex will be:


    With this you get null for each field name of dhDebug for the first log line and field names with values for the second one.

    You can test it at