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How to read XML-Data into a dataTable via Powershell and force using correc types via a given XmlSchema?

I am currently struggling to read XMLdata into a dataTable by enforcing a given XmlSchema. Whatever I do, after the Data-Import all Types are set back to "string". I need to force the below ID-column to be of type "int" (not "string" or "byte"):

$schema = '
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:group name="r">
      <xs:element name="id" type="xs:int" />
      <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />
  <xs:complexType name="body">
    <xs:group ref="r" />

$data = '

# read the schema:
$set = [System.Data.Dataset]::new()
$sr =[System.IO.StringReader]::new($schema)

# read the data:
$sr =[System.IO.StringReader]::new($data)

$set.Tables | ft -AutoSize
write-host "type of column 'id' in table : " $set.Tables[0].Columns[0].DataType

$list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($set.Tables[0].GetList())
write-host "type of column 'id' in list  : " $list[0].id.GetType()

I also did some tests with the XMLReadMode, but the only change appears, when I use [System.Data.XmlReadMode]::InferTypedSchema, but this changes the type to "byte" or something else depending on the data for that column.

Any help is more than welcome here! Thanks you in advance.


  • Thanks to the hints I finally solved it. First I found out, that I dont need to create a dedicated XMLSchema before the data-import - just creating the proper table-structure did the same thing with less code.

    Here the final code-sample:

    $set =[System.Data.DataSet]::new()
    $table = $set.Tables[0]
    [void]$table.Columns.Add('id', [int])
    [void]$table.Columns.Add('name', [string])
    $data = '
    # read the data:
    $sr =[System.IO.StringReader]::new($data)
    $set.Tables | ft -AutoSize
    write-host "type of column 'id' in table : "   $table.Columns['id'].DataType
    $list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($table.GetList())
    write-host "type of column 'id' in list  : " $list[0].id.GetType()

    Here the output from above script:

    id name
    -- ----
     9 AAA 
    10 BBB 
    type of column 'id' in table :  System.Int32
    type of column 'id' in list  :  System.Int32