I have viewModel on Fragment A, which I load in this way:
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
then from fragment A, I go to fragment B. Is this possible to use the same viewmodel on fragment B? In Fragment B I tried (as in docs):
private val viewModel: AFragmentVM by activityViewModels()
but I get an exception while trying to use this ViewModel:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create an instance of class ...AFragmentVM
BFragment.getViewModel(Unknown Source:2)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: ...AFragmentVM.<init> [class android.app.Application]
Based on @SebastienRieu and @IntelliJ Amiya answers, everything that I had to do was to create ViewModel on Fragment A in this way:
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(requireActivity(), viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(let {activity}!!,viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
Then on Fragment B I could use:
private val viewModel: AFragmentVM by activityViewModels()
If the two fragments are in the same activity you should replace this :
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
by this
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(requireActivity(), viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
and add a viewModel in the activity and initialize it in this activity like this :
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, viewModelFactory).get(AFragmentVM::class.java)
With requireActivity() when setup the VM in fragment you tell the fragment to use the activity shared ViewModel