I've tried fwrite/fread for int, char and complex datatypes. They all worked well except complex. The read values of both the real and imaginary parts are all zero.
int main()
typedef complex<float> cf;
FILE *stream;
stream = fopen("fread.out", "w+t");
unsigned int n1 = 6;
char *c1 = "this is a test";
cf cp1{2.0, 3.0};
fwrite(&n1, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, stream);
fwrite(c1, sizeof(char), strlen(c1), stream);
fwrite(&cp1, sizeof(cf), 1, stream);
stream = fopen("fread.out", "r+t");
unsigned int n2;
char c2[20];
cf cp2;
fread(&n2, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, stream);
fread(&c2, sizeof(char), strlen(c2), stream);
fread(&cp2, sizeof(cf), 1, stream);
return 0;
n2 = 6,c2 = this is a test, cp2 = 0.000000 + i*0.000000
You've got a problem here:
fread(&c2, sizeof(char), strlen(c2), stream);
strlen(c2) gives you garbage, because c2 is not initialized. You should change c2 to c1 in this strlen function to make this example work.
For production ready code one should choose a more complex serialization technique, probably one of the existing solutions.