So I'm able to create aa JWT on login using flask-jwt-extended
I set the expiration to 5 minutes. So I have routes in my VueJS app and when they are called(beforeeach) I make a call to "/api/check" to make sure that the token is valid.
All other API calls are via axios to the backend.
What I'm not understanding that since the cookie is HTTP only I can't check the expiation with javascript...does that mean I have to ping the backend every X minutes along with with every axios call to refresh the cookie then make the actual API call?
Seems like a lot of overhead. Lots of code out there on the nuts and bolts however not much on the actual steps behind the issue I'm having...understanding...
You could have the backend automatically refresh the cookie if it is close to expiring without having to do anything extra on the frontend. Something like this (untested)
def refresh_jwt_if_near_expiring(response):
expires_time = get_raw_jwt().get('exp')
if not expires_time:
return response
# Change the time delta based on your app and exp config.
target_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
if (target_time > expires_time):
access_token = create_access_token(identity=get_jwt_identity())
set_access_cookies(response, access_token)
return response
Then if the user is inactive for X many minutes they get logged out, otherwise they keep getting a new token as needed. If they do wait too long and get logged out, the backend returns a 401 and your frontend can prompt them to log in again.