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Micronaut exec-maven-plugin Cannot store value into array: ArrayStoreException

I'm using the maven plugin to modify some source files during the generate-sources phase. I always get the exception:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:java (openapischema-model-description) on project profile-generation: Unable to parse configuration of mojo
dehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:java for parameter arguments: Cannot store value into array: ArrayStoreException -> [Help 1]


  • The problem results from the usage of this plugin in Micronaut's parent pom and the behavior of Maven to merge together the configuration sections of a plugin. The solution is to pass combine.self="override" to the arguments section.

        <mainClass> de.ohmesoftware.javadoctoopenapischema.Enricher</mainClass>
        <arguments combine.self="override">


    Micronaut is defining in its micronaut-parent-2.0.0.pom:


    Here <classpath/> is causing problems. Maven is merging the arguments section together, although these are different goals. This can be inspected with mvn help:effective-pom:

                    <classpath />
                <classpath />