I'm making a custom dropdown, that allows for pushing new items in the dropdown. For some reason the useEffect is not being triggered on state change, but it being triggered on initial render. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something small, but can't see it. The new item should be pushed when a user clicks on the button tied to the 'addNewOptionToTree' method. The categoryList should then show the new item in the dropdown. The console log gets triggered and the new arr is present... Any ideas?
above return:
const [newOption, setNewOption] = useState('')
const [categoryList, setCategoryList] = useState(["Calendars", "Meetings", "Apostrophes work!"])
useEffect(() => {
console.log("categoryList::::::::::::::::", categoryList)
}, [categoryList]);
function addNewOptionToTree() {
console.log('category:', categoryList);
console.log('newOption:', newOption);
const categoryListArr = categoryList
console.log("category:", categoryListArr);
in return block:
<div className='dropDownList'>
<div className='listItem' key={'add-item-key'}>
placeholder='Add New Category'
onChange={val => setNewOption(val)}
<div className='icon-add-contain dropdown-add-btn' onClick={addNewOptionToTree}></div>
categoryList.length > 0 &&
categoryList.map((category, index) => (
<div className='listItem' onClick={onOptionClicked(category)} key={'level1-'+index}>
In your case it's not being changed, because objects
and arrays
are compared by reference, not by value, in JS.
For example
let foo = {bar: 1}
let faz = foo
let notFoo = {bar: 1}
foo === faz // true
foo === notFoo // false
That being said, in here:
const categoryListArr = categoryList // you are passing categoryList by reference
you are mutating your state directly, which is not good usually. For this to work properly you need to create your categoryListArr
array in an immutable way
const categoryListArr = [...categoryList] // this is a new array, which contains the same items from the state
or like this
setCategoryList(prev => [...prev, newOption])
Now your useEffect
will be triggered.