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Using moving average on a sub-data frame?

I have a sub-data frame consisting of a set of dates within a dataframe. I would like to calculate the moving average within the same sub-data frame and plot it on the same graph I already have (which displays # of cases per day in the sub frame). The moving average needs to go from March 7 to July 10 and the windows need to =7 (one week).

Example Data:

sex         country      date_report
M           Canada       03-01-2020
F           Canada       03-01-2020
M           Canada       03-02-2020
F           Canada       03-02-2020
M           Canada       03-02-2020
M           Canada       03-03-2020
F           Canada       03-03-2020
M           Canada       03-04-2020
F           Canada       03-04-2020
M           Canada       03-04-2020

The code I already have, 3, 1), 7, 10)
delta = (day_last - day_first)

for i in range(delta.days + 1):
  all_dates = day_first + datetime.timedelta(+i)
  print(all_dates)    # This gives me the range of dates I am looking for. 

sub_df = df.loc[df['date_report'].between(day_first,day_last), :]
date_count = sub_df.groupby('date_report').date_report.count()
plt.xlabel("March 1/2020 to July 10/2020")
plt.ylabel("Number of Cases")

This creates a plot looking like this:


I just need to calculate the weekly moving average within the same sub-data frame and then plot that on the same graph. Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the screenshot - I couldn't add the pic another way as I'm new to stackoverflow!


  • I think you are looking to use rolling, which can be used to create moving averages. Here is an example trying to emulate yours, with rolling used to add another curve:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    #the range of dates you mention
    dr = pd.date_range('3-7-2020','7-10-2020',freq='D')
    #df with a date_report column which is 1000 randomly chosen dates from dr
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(dr, size=1000), columns=['date_report'])
    #your groupby operation and plotting
    counts = df.groupby('date_report').date_report.count()
    counts.index =
    ax = counts.plot(kind='line')
    #now creating a rolling 7 day window and plotting
    counts.index = pd.to_datetime(counts.index)
    rolling = counts.rolling('7D').mean()

    enter image description here

    I edited to include some date formatting of the x-axis. There may be a better way, but you can see I do some annoying date conversion of counts for this to work (see my other post here)