I am creating an image from file by using
var img = Image.FromFile(openFileDialog1.FileName);
I also create a Bitmap with the same size
var bmp = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height);
var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
then I draw from the image to the bitmap using
var r = new Rectangle(tileoffsetx, tileoffsety, tilewidth, tileheight);
g.DrawImage(img, destx, desty, r, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
I have also tried
var r = new Rectangle(tileoffsetx, tileoffsety, tilewidth, tileheight);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(img, destx, desty);
In both cases, I have get unexpected scaling. (Even when I am using the DrawImageUnscaled version).
In both cases, I get a result that is around 1/3 the size of the original.
That seems to correspond with the fact that the image has a resolution of 300 pixels/inch and the bitmap a resolution of 96 pixels/inch.
How do I copy pixels regardless of pixels / inch?
I tried an idea from the comments, using the form of drawImage that takes 2 rects. It goes like
var srcrect = new Rectangle(tileoffsetx, tileoffsety, tilewidth, tileheight);
var destrect = new Rectangle(destx, desty, tilewidth, tileheight);
g.DrawImage(img, destrect, srcrect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
and that succeeded!