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How can i get the edited proxy from RequestFactoryEditorDriver

I can't figure out how to update my celltable after changes have been made using an editor. If I could get the edited proxy then I can use the dataprovider to update my celltable.

public void saveCampaign() {
  // the problem. proxy at this point should have the new values?....
  context.persist().using(proxy).fire(new Receiver<Void>() {
    public void onSuccess(Void response) {

The proxy in .using(proxy) does not contain the changes made on the editor. However the persist method on the server gets the updated values. If I reload the data from the server I get the correct values to the celltable.

public void editCampaign(CampaignProxy proxy) {
  this.proxy = proxy;
  if (proxy != null) {
    context = AEHOME.requestFactory.campaignRequest();

private void showEditView() {
  driver.initialize(eventBus, AEHOME.requestFactory, editView);
  driver.edit(proxy, context);

Proxy is set in the list view: configurationPageView.proxy = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • You can change how the request is built by doing the following:

    private void showEditView() {
      driver.initialize(eventBus, AEHOME.requestFactory, editView);
      driver.edit(proxy, context);
      // Set up method invocation and callback in advance
      context.persist().using(proxy).to(new Receiver<Void>() {
        public void onSuccess(Void response) {
    public void saveCampaign() {

    In GWT 2.4 it will be possible to keep your current code organization and use RequestContext.append():

    public void saveCampaign() {
      // Returns the context passed to edit()
      RequestContext ctx = driver.flush();
      // append() is generic and returns the type returned by myProxyContext();