I am trying to do an upsert in a single mutation. Here I have two tables Users table [id,isVerified,type] and Customers table [id,name,deviceToken] Here,Customers.id is a foreign key of Users.Id.
The following is the mutation-
MyMutation {
insert_Users(objects: [{isVerified: false, name: "+9100000000", type: "customer",
Customers: {data: {deviceToken: "TestToken001"}}}],
on_conflict: {
constraint: Users_name_key,
update_columns: [isVerified]
}) {
returning {
} ```
//But when I run this, I get the exception
"errors": [
"extensions": {
"path": "$.selectionSet.insert_Users.args.objects[0].Customers.data",
"code": "constraint-violation"
"message": "Uniqueness violation. duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"Customers_pkey\""
This seems to be because I am not setting conflict constraint on the nested Customers Object. How do I add the conflict constraint for a nested object?
You need to add the constraint object inside the nested data as well. Something like:
MyMutation {
insert_Users(objects: [{isVerified: false, name: "+9100000000", type: "customer",
Customers: {
data: {deviceToken: "TestToken001"},
on_conflict: {
constraint: Customers_pkey,
update_columns: [deviceToken]
on_conflict: {
constraint: Users_name_key,
update_columns: [isVerified]
}) {
returning {