I have done XCode a long time ago and now coming back to pick up SwiftUI. I am trying to render the data of a struct in a HStack.
The struct looks like this:
struct Product: Hashable, Codable{
var column0: Int
var column1: String
var column2: String
var column3: String
var column4: String
Inside the view body there's something like this:
var pdt: Product
var body: some View {
HStack {
The above will work, but I didn't want to hardcode column1 or column2 because the number of columns will differ. How can I use pdt as a Dictionary and loop through the keys so that I can display all columns?
Many thanks in advance!
Here is a demo of possible approach (for this simple case) - you can reflect properties and map them to shown values (for custom/complex types it will require more efforts by idea should be clear).
var body: some View {
let columnValues = Mirror(reflecting: pdt)
.children.map { "\($0.value)" }
return HStack {
ForEach(columnValues, id: \.self) { Text($0) }