I am trying to get all offers located near a user within a distance of 100kms. The user shares the location and I query it in Offers Table - id, name, text, addressId (addressId is the foreign key)
Address Table - id, address, location.
Select Offers.id, Address.id
from Offers, Address
ST_Transform( [12.9406589,77.6185572] ]::Geometry, 3857),
ST_Transform( Address.location::Geometry, 3857) < 100
and Address.id = Offers.addressId
When I run the above query, it's throwing a syntax error:
Postgres syntax error near "]"
How else should I give the coordinates?
Have you tried combining ST_MakePoint and ST_SetSRID
to create your point?
SELECT Offers.id, Address.id
FROM Offers, Address
ST_Transform( Address.location::Geometry, 3857)) < 100 AND
Address.id = Offers.addressId
Note: The function ST_MakePoint
expects the parameters as longitude,latitude
, not the other way around.
See also this related answer