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Use Lambda function to read a certain Cloudwatch alarm status and its metrics with Python

I'm completely new with boto. I created a Cloudwatch alarm for a certain Kinesis metrics. Now I want to write a Lambda function which can read the alarm status and the corresponding metrics value in every 5 minutes.

Does anyone have experiences with this task and can help me?

following is what I'm currently having in my code:

import json
import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    cloudwatch = boto3.resource('cloudwatch')
    alarm = cloudwatch.Alarm('Test') 
    response = alarm.describe_alarms()

Thanks a lot


  • There are several ways of doing this. One would be:

    1. Add/modify execution role of your function with permissions to read CloudWatch metrics.

    2. Use boto3's cloudwatch to read the metrics you require. You already started doing this.

    3. Setup a CloudWatch Event scheduled rule to trigger your lambda function every 5 minutes.