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Do C/C++ compilers typically remove duplicate libraries?

I'm compiling a Static (added static after reading comments) C++ library PoDoFo and some of its dependencies are optional, such as libJPEG, libTiff and libPNG. Though, a lot of the libraries have an option to depend on one another as well. For instance you can enable JPEG support in libTiff by compiling libTIFF with libJPEG.

In a perfect world I would hope that libTIFF would enable the libJPEG functions by realizing it has access to libJPEG because I included it in my compilation of PoDoFo. Sadly I think enabling/disabling functions is decided when I first compile libTIFF.

So then that means my PoDoFo library will contain libJPEG multiple times, probably even identical copies if I use the same library.

Will GCC compiler realize this and eliminate/relink the libraries to just one copy of libJPEG?


  • Basically yes, it'll only include one copy.

    The compile switches you are changing don't actually include one library into another, they just enable functionality that requires those libraries, e.g. libTIFF might include functions to convert between jpeg and tiff formats if you enable libJPEG support, but allows you to compile the rest of the library without that functionality if you don't want that.

    When you link a final application with PoDoFo, you will also have to link all of the optional dependencies you enabled. This can be automatic for dynamic libraries but the dependencies will all be required at runtime.

    In almost all cases there is only one copy of each library linked with the final application - the one exception is if you mix static and dynamic libraries, but that's a whole new can of worms.