I struggle to find a way to sum columns of severals tables into one measure with two filters. To make it clearer, I have three tables as input (they have other columns that I hide as they have no purpose for this use case):
Table 1
Date Currency Amount
01/01/2020 USD 100
01/01/2020 EUR 50
02/01/2020 USD 200
Table 2
Date Currency Amount
01/01/2020 USD 200
02/01/2020 USD 100
02/01/2020 EUR 100
Table 3
Date Currency Amount
01/01/2020 USD 50
01/01/2020 EUR 50
03/01/2020 EUR 100
I have no difficulties to do with one filter like date but I can't find a solution with two filters in order to have in results, a table in my dashboard that would display this:
Date Currency Amount
01/01/2020 USD 350
01/01/2020 EUR 100
02/01/2020 USD 300
02/01/2020 EUR 100
03/01/2020 EUR 100
I don’t find any solution, should I use a new table and aggregate columns in it? My three tables are linked by a relation on date but I can’t add a relation for the Currency. I’m a bit lost with what to do in Power Bi with this use case..
Thanks in advance,
You can create a custom table using table 1, 2 and 3 as below. Finally you can create your necessary Measures in the new "Custom_table" as per your requirement.
custom_table =