If I type '*' in keyboard, it should be typed as 'x' in the entry field. Below is the sample code. I'm new to tkinter.
from tkinter import *
def func(number):
x = str(e1.get())
e1.delete(0, END)
e1.insert(0, str(x) + str('x'))
main = Tk()
Here I'm getting 'x*'. But I need only 'x' to be typed in the entry field. Any suggestions will be really helpful.
You need to ignore the *
character entered by returning 'break'
at the end of func()
. Also your logic will not work if the input cursor is not at the end of the input string.
Below is a modified func()
def func(event):
# add the "x" at the insertion position
event.widget.insert('insert', 'x')
# ignore the entered "*" character
return 'break'