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Cannot inject object provided in AppModule to Activity in a dynamic feature module with Dagger2

With the set up below i'm not be able to inject a Singleton object to a Activity inside a dynamic feature module. I can inject to a subComponent, MainActivity, but not to an Activity that's in dynamic feature module.

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {

    fun inject(application: Application)

    interface Factory {
        fun create(@BindsInstance application: Application): AppComponent

    // Types that can be retrieved from the graph
    fun mainActivityComponentFactory(): MainActivitySubComponent.Factory

My AppModule

@Module(includes = [AppProviderModule::class])
abstract class AppModule {

    abstract fun bindContext(application: Application): Context

object AppProviderModule {

    fun provideSharedPreferences(application: Application): SharedPreferences {
        return application.getSharedPreferences("PrefName", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

Dynamic Feature Module GalleryComponent

        dependencies = [AppComponent::class],
        modules = [GalleryModule::class])
interface GalleryComponent {
    fun inject(galleryActivity: GalleryActivity)

And MyApplication

open class MyApplication : Application() {

    // Instance of the AppComponent that will be used by all the Activities in the project
    val appComponent: AppComponent by lazy {

    open fun initializeComponent(): AppComponent {
        // Creates an instance of AppComponent using its Factory constructor
        // We pass the applicationContext that will be used as Application
        return DaggerAppComponent.factory().create(this).apply {

Activity in dynamic feature module, when only inject GalleryViewer and DummyDependency is injected from GalleryModule it works fine

class GalleryActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences

    lateinit var galleryViewer: GalleryViewer

    lateinit var dummyDependency: DummyDependency

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

                .appComponent((application as MyApplication).appComponent)


When i try to inject SharedPreferences or any dependency that does not depend on any arguments like context or application from AppModule i get error

error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] android.content.SharedPreferences cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.


  • The error here is not including provision method for dependencies in AppComponent and not building dynamic feature component properly.

    @Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
    interface AppComponent {
         * 🔥🔥🔥 This method is required to get this object from a class that uses this component
         * as dependent component
        fun provideSharedPreferences(): SharedPreferences
        fun inject(application: Application)
        interface Factory {
            fun create(@BindsInstance application: Application): AppComponent
        // Types that can be retrieved from the graph
        fun mainActivityComponentFactory(): MainActivitySubComponent.Factory

    In dynamic feature

            dependencies = [AppComponent::class],
            modules = [GalleryModule::class])
    interface GalleryComponent {
        fun inject(galleryActivity: GalleryActivity)
        // Alternative1 With Builder
        interface Builder {
            fun build(): GalleryComponent
            fun application(application: Application): Builder
            fun galleryModule(module: GalleryModule): Builder
            fun appComponent(appComponent: AppComponent): Builder
        // Alternative2 With Factory
        interface Factory {
            fun create(appComponent: AppComponent,
                       galleryModule: GalleryModule,
                       @BindsInstance application: Application): GalleryComponent

    You must either use Builder or Factory, with hilt none of this might be necessary in the future, however it does not support dynamic feature yet, i rather factory pattern since they deprecated Builder pattern.

    inside Activity onCreate initialize injection

    private fun initInjections() {
        // Alternative1 With Builder
                .appComponent((application as MyApplication).appComponent)
        // Alternative2 With Factory
                .create((application as MyApplication).appComponent, GalleryModule(), application)

    You should choose the same pattern used inside feature component.