I am using a web application to create and share write permission in a google drive folder through service account. The creation and permission sharing successfully performed.
I am using below code to create this permission.
function createPermissionOffic(auth){
const drive = google.drive({version: 'v3', auth});
var fileId = rootFolderId;
var permissions = [
'type': 'user',
'role': 'writer',
'emailAddress': serviceAccountEmail
// Using the NPM module 'async'
async.eachSeries(permissions, (permission, permissionCallback)=> {
resource: permission,
fileId: fileId,
fields: 'id',
sendNotificationEmails: false
}, (err, res)=> {
if (err) {
// Handle error...
} else {
console.log('Permission ID: '+ res)
}, (err)=> {
if (err) {
// Handle error
} else {
// All permissions inserted
I was hoping that " sendNotificationEmails: false" will prevent any such mail notification. How to solve this issue?
I think that the reason of your issue is due to the spell mistake. So please modify as follows and test it again.
sendNotificationEmails: false
sendNotificationEmail: false
of sendNotificationEmails