I want to show in a treemap just the label and value of each item, not parent or ID. I have defined it with plotly express. No matter how much I have tinkered with it, I haven’t been able to restrict hover text to the fields I need. Check the code and capture
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.treemap(dfconcepto, path=['type','name'],
values = 'count',
width=900, height=900,
hover_data = ['count'],
I also have tried to create it with non-express treemap. Hovertext is what I want, but then a treemap with two levels is rendered asymmetric.
What I want is something like the hovertext of non-express treemap, but balanced and symmetric as in express treemap
What can I do?
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me you should overwrite your hover template
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jlchulilla/3b4e40f68ba73b5dbcb661a1d861f308/raw/e564973db30a4612aba60c5b26dd108edc98f048/test2sof.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url).drop("Unnamed: 0", axis=1)
fig = px.treemap(df, path=['type','name'],
values = 'coincidencia',
width=900, height=900,
# Now your hovertemplate looks like
# fig.data[0].hovertemplate
# 'labels=%{label}<br>coincidencia=%{value}<br>parent=%{parent}<br>id=%{id}<extra></extra>'
# But it seems to me you want something like
fig.data[0].hovertemplate = '%{label}<br>%{value}'