Looking for a better/cleaner/simpler way to write this:
const line1 = 'a string';
const line2 = 'a second string';
const line3 = 'a third string';
const howManyLinesToRender = (line) => {
if (line === 1) return [line1];
if (line === 2) return [line1, line2];
if (line === 3) return [line1, line2, line3];
A simpler way would be to use switch:
const howManyLinesToRender = (line) => {
switch (line) {
case 1: return [line1]
case 2: return [line1, line2];
case 3: return [line1, line2, line3];
but as CRice notes in the comments of your question, this very example is satisfiable also by:
return [line1, line2, line3].slice(0, line)
that is a cleaner oneliner.