I know that this topic may not exactly belong here, but I´m very desperate...
I´m currently working on my thesis and a part of it is an elaboration about the history of logging. My problem is that information about it is very rare to find. Syslog and Windows-Event-Logs are particularly important, but I need all the information I can get about the history of logging.
So, I´m searching for someone who may know a lot about it or knows good and trustful websites or books about logging and its history.
I would really appreciate your answers!
In early days computer operators mounted your tape and ran your program batch mode. The commands and errors were logged on the attached operator's console, typically a teletype printing terminal. With the advent of time-shared operating systems and drum or disk storage, it became possible and necessary to redirect this output to a place where it could be more conveniently retrieved than a pile of paper on the floor. Logging to a file began. I don't know whether logging was ever done directly to tape, but I wouldn't be surprised, since tape was cheap and disk was hideously expensive.