actually i got 2 models,A and B ,connection same as sale.order and sale.order.line ,that connecting line here is medicine_line it is a one2many when adding a specialist_name in model A,"each line" in the model B's(Notebook) specialist_name wants to get by default .
I have tried below code but getting the name only on the first line of the notebook:
medicine_line = One2many field
def _onchange_specialist_name(self):
for record in self:
for each in record.medicine_line:
if record.specialist_name:
lines = [(5, 0, 0)]
for line in self.specialist_name:
val = {
lines.append((0, 0, val))
record.each = lines
You can pass the default value in the context.
<field name="specialist_name"/>
<field name="medicine_line" context="{'default_specialist_name': specialist_name}">
<tree editable="bottom">
<field name="specialist_name"/>
Each time you click the Add item
link button the specialist name should be filled with the default value specified in the context.