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How to Bind RoundCornerProgressBar with ButterKnife

Am using RoundCornerProgressBar a custom progress bar library in android, and i use JakeWharton butterknife to bind elements,

So i tried like

@BindView( ProgressBar volumeBar;

volumeBar.setProgress(tagVolume); //to increase progress bar value

and the log says

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.testproject/com.example.testproject.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: View 'volume_progress_bar' with ID 2131296532 for field 'volumeBar' was of the wrong type. See cause for more info.

the error say

View 'volume_progress_bar' with ID 2131296532 for field 'volumeBar' was of the wrong type.

so how do i use wright type for RoundCornerProgressBar or how do i increase progress bar value in Java


  • this worked for me IconRoundCornerProgressBar

    With butterKnife i used like below

    @BindView( IconRoundCornerProgressBarnn volumeBar;

    And it worked.