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Mule Anypoint Studio groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: StringEscapeUtils for class

This is for Mule 4, on 4.3 EE Runtime


POM File holds standard dependency, and thanks to Aled's answer also included it as a shared library:



        <name>Anypoint Exchange</name>
        <name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
        <name>mulesoft release repository</name>

Test call of the method required:

<scripting:execute doc:name="test StringEscapeUtil" doc:id="3f3fafea-e42c-48d2-820b-69f683307b69" engine="groovy">
    <scripting:code >import org.apache.commons.lang.*;

    String test = &quot;This is a test ,string \&quot; to escape&quot;;

Actual error:

Message               : groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: StringEscapeUtils for class: Script2
Element               : test/processors/2 @ test:test/testScript.xml:47 (test StringEscapeUtil)
Element DSL           : <scripting:execute doc:name="test StringEscapeUtil" doc:id="3f3fafea-e42c-48d2-820b-69f683307b69" engine="groovy">
<scripting:code>import org.apache.commons.lang.*;

String test ="This is a test ,string \"to escape";</scripting:code>
Error type            : SCRIPTING:EXECUTION

Original Issue

A scripting module running using Groovy Engine.

I've included the dependency in the mule maven pom file:


The groovy script component does call upon the apache commons lang3:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.*;

And the call itself just outright fails:


The actual error:

Message               : groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: StringEscapeUtils for class: Script2


  • Because of Mule 4 classloading isolation you need to mark the Apache Commons Lang3 library as shared in the pom, so the scripting module can see it:

                        <sharedLibrary> <!-- make commons-lang3 shared -->