I am rather new to Swift and iOS programming. Currently I'm working on an app that should work with iOS 11.0 and up. As per this post, selecting "Deployment Target -> iOS Deployment Target 11.0" in XCode will do the trick, I can also see that it changes IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 11.0. So far so good.
Now, on this Apple Developer page, it says
App updates must be built with the iOS 13 SDK starting June 30, 2020.
So my (most probably simple) question is: how can I make sure that this is the case for my app? Where in XCode (or alternatively AppCode) can I see/set what iOS SDK I'm building with? I'm using the latest (as per 15.07.2020) version of XCode. Thanks in advance!
You're confusing iOS Deployment Target with iOS SDK Version.
The iOS Deployment Target is the minimum iOS version your users must meet in order for them to install and run your app. i.e. an iOS 11.0 deployment target won't let < iOS 11.0 (10.x, 9.x, 8.x, etc...) users install your app.
The iOS SDK Version on the other hand is the version of the SDK included in your Xcode. To check what SDK you are building, run in your terminal:
xcodebuild -showsdks
I'm using Xcode 11.5, and that command gives me:
iOS 13.5 -sdk iphoneos13.5
iOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - iOS 13.5 -sdk iphonesimulator13.5
macOS SDKs:
DriverKit 19.0 -sdk driverkit.macosx19.0
macOS 10.15 -sdk macosx10.15
tvOS SDKs:
tvOS 13.4 -sdk appletvos13.4
tvOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - tvOS 13.4 -sdk appletvsimulator13.4
watchOS SDKs:
watchOS 6.2 -sdk watchos6.2
watchOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - watchOS 6.2 -sdk watchsimulator6.2
Or just know that you just need an Xcode 11.x for iOS 13 SDK.