Hi stackoverflow Community!
I have the set of data:
0 A 0.000027769231 1 B 0.000030287440 0.628306 0.988151 1
0 A 0.000027479497 2 C 0.000035937793 0.581428 0.976041 1
1 B 0.000030287440 2 C 0.000035532483 0.516033 0.987388 1
4 D 0.000011085990 5 E 0.000008163211 0.577556 0.943583 1
4 D 0.000010787916 8 F 0.000008873166 0.531686 0.954017 1
5 E 0.000007865264 8 F 0.000008873166 0.691516 0.989945 1
311 G 0.000006216949 312 H 0.000002510852 0.829361 0.983148 1
326 M 0.000028129783 327 N 0.000011022112 0.843188 0.915627 1
326 M 0.000027462953 328 O 0.000002167529 1.742349 0.943267 1
326 M 0.000028024026 329 P 0.000005130416 1.263187 0.924010 1
326 M 0.000027630314 330 R 0.000002965539 1.668906 0.935518 1
326 M 0.000027721668 331 S 0.000002614498 1.851544 0.939051 1
326 M 0.000028129332 332 T 0.000003145471 1.742525 0.930186 1
327 N 0.000011020065 328 O 0.000002570277 2.473902 0.943474 1
327 N 0.000011028065 329 P 0.000005235456 1.447848 0.976569 1
327 N 0.000011032158 330 R 0.000003154471 2.303768 0.955479 1
327 N 0.000011025788 331 S 0.000002864823 2.038783 0.946972 1
327 N 0.000011064135 332 T 0.000003183160 1.213611 0.975056 1
328 O 0.000002505234 329 P 0.000005129224 1.549313 0.968629 1
328 O 0.000002452331 330 R 0.000002965465 2.328536 0.981076 1
329 P 0.000005147180 330 R 0.000003095314 2.803627 0.977268 1
329 P 0.000005208069 332 T 0.000003147536 2.658807 0.984912 1
330 R 0.000002967887 331 S 0.000002700052 1.208673 0.987825 1
330 R 0.000003110114 332 T 0.000003145140 2.428988 0.983747 1
331 S 0.000002853757 332 T 0.000003145464 1.551457 0.982276 1
366 I 0.000000326315 367 J 0.000000253986 1.410176 0.961879 1
366 I 0.000000327483 368 K 0.000000110327 1.236265 0.918510 1
366 I 0.000000326939 369 Q 0.000000165208 2.258098 0.907039 1
367 J 0.000000257330 368 K 0.000000113511 2.600934 0.907874 1
367 J 0.000000256872 369 Q 0.000000166861 1.102368 0.937099 1
In each row I have an unique pair of some elements that I indicated here as a letters. I want to create groups of these elements and choose the largest value from column 3 or 6 in each group. For this dataset I should get 4 groups with elements and max value from column 3 or 6:
maxval: C: 0.000035937793
maxval: D: 0.000011085990
maxval: G: 0.000006216949
maxval: M: 0.000028129783
maxval: I: 0.000000326939
As you can notice, if in rows there are more than one the same element (e.g. A), values in column 3 (for A) are a little bit different. However, we can make an assumption that A has the same value of column 3 in every cases.
As an output I want to get three files:
2 C
4 D
311 G
326 M
366 I
0 A
1 B
5 E
8 F
312 H
327 N
328 O
329 P
330 R
331 S
332 T
367 J
368 K
369 Q
I have no idea how to do such a case in Python. Can anyone help me with some advices or parts of code?
I am not sure if I exactly answer what you want, some parts are unclear to me, but probably small adjustments can be easily made within the loop.
With help of pandas
and numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
We can load the data
data = pd.read_csv("data.txt", sep=" ", header=None)
And define a function
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39915402/combine-a-list-of-pairs-tuples
def make_equiv_classes(pairs):
groups = {}
for (x, y) in pairs:
xset = groups.get(x, set([x]))
yset = groups.get(y, set([y]))
jset = xset | yset
for z in jset:
groups[z] = jset
return set(map(tuple, groups.values()))
And create our classes
classes = make_equiv_classes( data.values[:,[1,4]] )
Then for each class
for cls in classes:
max_cls = 0
sub_class = data.loc[data[1].isin(cls) | data[4].isin(cls)]
max_class_value = np.max( sub_class.values[:,[2,5]] )
subclass_argmax = np.argmax( np.max( sub_class.values[:,[2,5]], axis=1) )
data_argmax = sub_class.iloc[subclass_argmax][0]
first_letter = sub_class.iloc[subclass_argmax][1]
second_letter = sub_class.iloc[subclass_argmax][4]
print( "Max Class Value: {}".format(max_class_value))
print( "Max Class Number: {}".format(data_argmax))
print( "First letter: {}, Second Letter: {}".format(first_letter, second_letter))
print( "\n")
it will print
['M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T']
Max Class Value: 2.8129783000000003e-05
Max Class Number: 326
First letter: M, Second Letter: N
['G', 'H']
Max Class Value: 6.216949e-06
Max Class Number: 311
First letter: G, Second Letter: H
['D', 'E', 'F']
Max Class Value: 1.108599e-05
Max Class Number: 4
First letter: D, Second Letter: E
['I', 'J', 'K', 'Q']
Max Class Value: 3.27483e-07
Max Class Number: 366
First letter: I, Second Letter: K
['A', 'B', 'C']
Max Class Value: 3.5937793e-05
Max Class Number: 0
First letter: A, Second Letter: C